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Friday, August 20, 2010

OOBH Stew: Plastic Fantastic Edition

Happy Friday!! Man, I am really glad it's the weekend. This week just seemed to draaaaaaaag by. I think what we all need is some delicious OOBH Stew to kick off the weekend, don't you? Fair warning, though - this batch tastes a little plastic-y. Next time I'll add less latex.

Rolling Stone magazine cover features some kick-ass Vamporn
Even though Sookie's waist looks so Photoshopped it's amazing that she can even stand upright, it's still kind of hot -- in a totally disgusting and gruesome sort of way, of course. 

Jenny McCarthy got some work done.
Courtesy of Awful Plastic

They're saying she got a new nose and cheek implants.  Now she looks a little bit like Madame, yes?

Speaking of new body parts, Renee Zellwegger got some new boobs, and they're enormous.

Courtesy of Awful Plastic

I kind of like them, but then again, I like big boobs. *shrug*

Malibu Ken went BOOM.

Yes, I know that's mean, but you've gotta admit that you snickered, right?  Famous surgeon (and creator of the creature formerly-known as Heidi Montag) Dr. Frank Ryan died in a car accident.

Last Monday he crashed his car off of a cliff in Malibu while driving home after taking a hike with his dog. Since he had Tweeted a picture of his dog just 20 minutes before the accident occurred everyone is wondering if he lost control of his car because he was texting/tweeting.

Poor guy - imagine being a handsome, semi-famous, successful and wealthy surgeon and dying because you just had to write, "LOL" on someone's Facebook status? Ugh.

Finally, here's a funny video to rinse the plastic taste out of your mouth.

Ron Burgundy IS Darth Vader!

I *heart* Ron Burgundy!

There it is, folks. I hope you have a great weekend!