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Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Do-over" Wednesday. AKA: Girl Crushes

Yesterday was "Do-over Wednesday." I went over to my friend's house and this time, we actually made it to the movie theatre (on time!) and saw Confessions of a Shopaholic before it leaves the cinema. It was cheese-tastic, and I loved it. Well, everything but the end, in which soaring music, wind in the heroine's hair, and every chick flick cliche in the book made their appearance to send it home. Just in case you forgot you were watching a fluff movie involving no real substance.

Anyway, I have a total girl crush on Isla Fisher. She's friggin' adorable. The red hair, the cute-as-a-button face, the quirky attitude. Love her!

Now, I'm a lover of men. Oh yeah, I love the menfolk. BUT, that doesn't mean I can't admire the beauty of a woman without wanting to, ya know, touch her & shit. There are a couple of actresses who fall into the girl crush category:

Hey, she's married to Borat, so she's gotta have a sense of humor, right? Also, who could watch her in Wedding Crashers and not laugh their ass off? No one I want to know, surely.

Zooey Deschanel
I think she's hilarious & pretty in a very understated kind of way. Failure to Launch is not a great movie, for instance, but Zooey is terrific in it. Also, Winter Passing - great flick, and shows a more serious (but still funny) side of Will Ferrell. She's also marrying one of the dudes from Death Cab for Cutie, a band I enjoy. Bonus cool points, that.

Anna Faris
LOVE HER. She's pretty and funny, and stars in a ridiculous stoner movie that makes me laugh every time: Smiley Face. Also, Just Friends? She is insanely funny in it.

Ok, I'll stop now before you all start to tag me as a gigantic lesbian. NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT. :) I just like pretty chicks who make me laugh - is that so wrong?