Blog Archive

Monday, June 7, 2010


Hey guys! Blogger was such a massive bitch this morning. It's 4 PM and I am just now able to get into my dashboard and make a new post, and of course... now I've forgotten what I was gonna write about this morning because my brain is full of Swiss Cheese, empty Twizzler wrappers, and the odd tumbleweed.

What? I smoked a lot of dope in college, shut up.

Anyway, at this point I just want to kick someone's ass and make them my bitch. If Blogger were a real-life human, I'd be cracking my knuckles and squaring off.

Since I can't kick Blogger's ass, I will just grumble angrily and cast vicious aspersions about it. Take that!

Okay, kiddies, since I don't have anything nice to say I'm gonna go ahead and shut my pie hole. Just wanted to say hi and let you know I'm not, you know, dead from the random violent storms and tornadoes we had in New Hampshire yesterday.

I would normally promise a better post tomorrow, but who knows if Blogger will cooperate, eh? I know better than to write checks my ass can't cash.