Okay here, just plugging along on another dreary Monday. The weekend was good but definitely nothing to write home about; my in-laws came to visit and by the time they left one of them was violently ill with a stomach bug and another was limping due to a sprained knee from skiing with the J. Two out of three left us in wheelchairs, essentially, which is no testament to my mad hostessing skillz, I assure you! I swear I washed my hands before serving the shrimp cocktail, I swear!
The super fun part of this equation is that in about three days I fully expect us all to be retching as well, so thanks for that lovely parting gift! E-Coli, the gift that keeps on giving. You really shouldn't have.
Other than that I have nothing exciting to report except for the return of a couple of my favorite shows this evening, so I'ma go ahead and talk them up so those of you with Showtime can join in the merriment.
U.S. of Tara and Nurse Jackie return tonight!
Both of these terrific shows are coming back for their second seasons tonight, and I adore them both. They are each extremely funny but also have a deeper vein of reality running through them as well.

Tara's family is as tolerant as you can expect them to be when one of the alters is a tough-talking MAN, another is a 1960's housewife type, and another is a sassy teenage girl. According to Entertainment Weekly, this season we'll be introduced to another alter, one who thinks she's a shrink.
Awesome, Blossom.
Again, the show takes a difficult subject-matter and somehow finds the humor in it all, the characters are likable and complex, and I guarantee that it will make you laugh AND think.
So, give 'em a look-see, won't you? If you don't get Showtime you can always catch up on the first seasons of both on DVD! And no, I didn't get paid to endorse these programs... but I wouldn't be opposed to that. Hint, hint....
One last thing. Twilight's New Moon came out this weekend and my ILs were interested in seeing it, so we watched it on Saturday night. As some of you may remember I saw this film in the theater with some girlfriends, but I, um... didn't quite remember much of it. *cough* Not sure why... perhaps it was the multiple cocktails or something, but at any rate I dozed through most of it.
After watching it again on Saturday night it's clear why I slept through it: BOOOOOOOORING. Damn, that movie sucked! They could have cut out about 30 minutes of moping and it would have been much better, IMO. Of course, New Moon was my least-favorite book in the series, so maybe that's why it did nothing for me. But still... major suckage.
See ya!