Anyshoe, here's another glimpse at some of the more PG pics from my cell phone.
She sells seashells by the sea shore.

A few weeks ago Laurie & I pretended that it was summer and went to the beach for the day. It was brisk, but that didn't stop us from putting the top down on her convertible and enjoying the fresh salty air, walking on the beach, and enjoying a lovely harbor-side lunch. With wine, of course. Lots and lots of wine. C'mon, this is ME we're talking about....
Who let the dogs out?

He totally was.
He didn't have a satchel, however... or maybe he just (wisely) left it in the car.
Massive Head Wound Danny

My kid has a thing for Harry Potter and will often draw a lightning bolt "scar" on his forehead while pretending to be the boy who lived. The other day he used a red marker and made this face when I took his picture. It's a little bit Harry Potter, a little bit Exorcist, and a helluva lot of awesome.
Should I be concerned that his eyes are looking in two different directions?
Eh, I'm sure it's fine.
I can't make this shit up.

I like crossword puzzles. This one was particularly amusing for some reason. Can't put my finger on why....
Have a great day, everyone, and Happy St. Paddy's Day!