Friday, July 10, 2009

Week in Review

What have we learned this week? Let's review.

1. The desire to have "Rock Star Hair" is contagious. Mala texted me this AM begging for direction in that department, which I felt wholly unqualified to offer her. I mean, I'm no hair genius, I just have a good hairdresser I've been stalking following for several years now as she searches out the perfect salon. Yes, for real. I have followed her to 4 different salons over the past 5 years. I am exceedingly loyal. Or, I fear change. Whatever, I'm going with loyal.

So, I told Mala to go all J-Lo up in here. For real - she can pull off the JLo 'do. She's got a tan, and the same thick hair that can be either straight or curly (bitch), and I just think she can totally work the caramel highlights.

Right? So, it may not be Rock Star hair, but it's certainly Pop Star/Diva hair. She's going in on Monday; and yes, I've already started pressuring her to post "after" pics on her blog.

2. Courtney, PorkStar, Samsmama, and Stacie are incorrigible. Somehow this week I managed to earn the nickname "Muffin Sweat." Don't ask me how. I can assure you that my muffin is most certainly NOT sweaty! In fact, that is one of the main reasons that I studiously avoid exercise; who wants a sweaty muff? Not I.

3. Samsmama's "tater" smells like "freshly-baked apricot muffins".

4. My hilarious Facebook comments are not everybody's cup o' tea. Thankfully, approx. 185 other people still enjoy them, so I have decided not to change a thing. Huzzah!

5. I did not need a crown to get my toof fixed. YAY! My dentist drilled it and filled it and now I can go back to pretending that the Friendly-Fire Tackle of '09 never happened.

6. Sleeping is awesome, and I am hooked. Now that I've had a taste of what being "well-rested" feels like, I want it all the time. I'm addicted.

7. Sunshine on my shoulders really does make me happy.

8. I talk on the phone a lot more than I thought I did. I just had to upgrade my cell plan AGAIN. Now, instead of splitting 700 minutes/month with my (also chatty) husband, we need to split 1400. Wow. When did THAT happen?

That's all I got. I was aiming for 10, but apparently I didn't learn 10 things this week after all.

Btw, this is my 198th post, and my 1 year Blogaversary is right around the corner. I am hoping to do something fun for the Big 200, unless I get lazy, which is always a distinct possibility. I'll keep you posted.