Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Let's Have A Flashback Together!

Errr, does anyone else see that?
Maude Lebowski: What do you do for recreation?  

The Dude:  Oh, the usual. I bowl. Drive around.  The occasional acid flashback.

Okay, okay, we won't REALLY have a flashback, but let's watch a few videos that will probably jog some childhood memories loose!

When I was a kid I loved all of the School House Rock clips that they'd show in between Saturday morning cartoons. I swear this is how I learned what a conjunction and adverb was, not to mention how you should hanker for a hunka cheese when you're hungry!   These were my favorites.

Who else hums this one randomly from time to time? I hope it's not just me!

Elec-tricity! Eee-lect-ricity!

Last but not least, I can't do a post about School House Rock without the legendary "I'm Just a Bill" song!

Bonus vid: Family Guy skewers the Bill, literally.

One last thing - a few of you have already noticed that Mala and I started a new blog called The Angry Owl. It's a rant blog of sorts, but that's where we will discuss real issues that irritate us, but in a humorous way. As you know, I like to keep the OOBH a happy-ish place, so adopting the persona of a pissed-off owl seemed like a good way to have my cake & eat it too! Check it out, if you'd like. We'd love to see you there.

Later, taters!