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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hump Day Funnies

Howdy! I've got a busy day ahead of me but have a few funny tidbits to share with my BOOBHs first.  We (in the U.S.) are thisclose to a long weekend, so in keeping with the whole "animals in top hats" theme that I started yesterday, let's get this hump day started!

First of all, I saw a picture over on Lainey Gossip of Lady Gaga arriving at the airport, and her look that day was... interesting. Actually, it gave me flashbacks to the 90's and it took me a moment to put my finger on exactly why that was; then it came to me:

Sorry, Ga, but Patsy Stone did it better.  Nice try, though.

The other night J and I were flipping channels and came across a stand-up routine by the hilarious Louis CK. I caught his show on FX recently and thought it was pretty good, but nothing could prepare me for how funny his stand-up act is.  I laughed so hard I actually had tears rolling down my face, and I don't think that was just the vodka talkin'. Seriously, it was ugly-laughter; face squinted, mouth open, spitty, teary, OMG-I-might-pee-myself laughter.

This was the part that made me lose it. It's NSFW because he swears a lot and it's not exactly PC because he calls his 4 y.o. daughter an asshole. Oh, STFU - we've all thought that about our little darlings before, haven't we? Admit it.

My kids can be total dicks sometimes.  I'm not one of those mothers who's always gloating about my well-behaved kids; when they're good, I praise them like crazy, but when they're bad my husband and I have definitely been known to exchange knowing, "This kid is a total jerk" glances.  I love that Louis CK isn't afraid to go there.  

He's got me - I'm officially a Louis CK fan! I hope you laughed too.

Have a great day!