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Thursday, December 10, 2009

I don't feel like bloggin'

I've got a Scissor Sisters song stuck in my head this morning because I'll admit it: I don't feel like blogging. Go ahead and play this tune while you read this mess, just substitute "bloggin'" for "dancin'."

I admit that I feel compelled to write something for you, my faithful and lovable peeps. If you were here right now I'd ruffle your ragamuffin hair and pinch your rosy cheeks (both sets) because I love you so. But I still don't feel like bloggin'.

What's a girl to do? I'll just give you a brain dump and hope you like it, of course! Here goes.

It's finally winter. It snowed about 9" or so at my house yesterday so school was canceled and we had a rather lazy day. Jim made Bloody Marys and we watched the newest Harry Potter movie with the kiddos, then I took a long hot shower and he snowblowed (snowblew? That just sounds wrong) the driveway. Last night we went over to our friends' house for a casual dinner, mostly because cabin fever was setting in and I didn't feel like cooking. In other news, I finally put some bad-ass snow tires on the Odyssexy, so hopefully I can avoid hitting any more trees this winter. Fingers crossed!

My doctor has me on a truly awful diet right now to prep for a thyroid test I'm having next week, so I'm a little cranky. It seems that even though I typically limit crunchy, salty, chocolatey snacks simply because they're fattening, when I'm told I absolutely cannot have them, naturally they're all I want. Oh well, it's not like it's the holiday season right now and there are yummy treats everywhere I look. Oh wait, yes it is! FML! Ah well, it's temporary and it's not like I couldn't stand to lose a few, so I'm keeping the ol' chin up.

Speaking of Christmas, I've been slacking off on buying gifts this year. No, really, I've only bought two things. I'm just having a hard time getting into the spirit this year. I don't want anything myself, and no one on my list has been outspoken about what they want, so I'm just going to sit down and hit Amazon hard this weekend and hope I get something right. I'm unapologetically apathetic, but hopefully getting the tree this weekend and decking the halls a little bit more will help me get into the swing of things!

I am already looking forward to New Year's Eve though, and not just because I can't wait to kick 2009 to the curb like the disease-infested whore that it is. What? I had a rough year. I am ready for a fresh start, and 2010 seems like a darn good time to get one.

I had a fun little auto-tune video for you to watch, but some sort of copyright infringment made them take it down. BOO. And MEH. BOO-MEH.

Oh! Just found it somewhere else online, and this one seems to work. Enjoy it while you can!

Ok, that's all I got.
Later, taters. (mmm, taters... I want tater chips, or french fried p'taters. CRAP!)