Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Blogaversary to me!

Because I suck at life, I missed my own one-year blogaversary. I kept thinking that I first sat down and started spilling on 8/15/08, but apparently, it was 8/12/08. OOOOPS.

Without further ado, let's commence to celebrating, shall we?

What's a party without cake?

and dancing?

and booze?

and strippers?

Yeah, baby! That's how we do it up in my 'hood! WOOOOOT!

All kidding aside, it has been quite a year. I've lost a lot in the past 12 months, but gained as well. I've made a lot of friends here: my bloggy buddies. Forty of you like me enough to put your cute little pictures up on my "Followers" list, and I appreciate every single one of you for that. Your comments make me laugh, make me teary, and always, always make my day. I can't imagine not sharing my life with you all, and not sharing yours through your blogs, comments, and emails.

I never could have imagined how important you'd all become to me when I sat down on a hot summer evening a year ago and started to pull things out of my ass head to present to the nameless, faceless blogosphere. Thank you all for reading. The Bev loves you all. :)

Now come over here and give me some sugar!