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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

80% Wordless Wednesday!

I'm not really here today.  I wrote this post last night at 11:30 at night when I should have been in bed, but wasn't.  Today I'm somewhere much better...  I'm finally using a spa gift card that my lovely sister got for me last Christmas!  Yes, by 9:30 I will be puddy in some massage therapist's hands, and a little pampering couldn't come at a more welcome time.  Here's to a fabulous day. 

Please to enjoy the funny pics I left you, and try not to trash the place too much, ok?

I think we can all agree that the following picture completely rocks:

Twilight:  in a nut shell.

I totally checked.

For those not-so-Poised moments.

An ad from my Facebook page last night.  WTF are these things?

And why does Facebook think I have a baby?

Have a great Hump Day!