Today I'm doling out some Noggin Nuggets. It has been a while since I've done a brain dump; maybe this will cure my mental constipation. Here goes!
I read The Hunger Games yesterday. It's a young adult novel so it was a very quick and easy read, and I enjoyed it. I wouldn't say I was totally swept-away by it as so many people were, but I liked it enough that I'll probably seek out the next two installments in the series and read those too.
Why not buy it using these links so that I can buy myself that solid gold toilet I've always dreamed of?*
Reading all of these heavy books has reminded me of how fragile life is, which isn't something that I really needed to be reminded of. I found myself driving to work this morning thinking about how it could all end in a heartbeat. Just - BAM - another car flying out of nowhere that ends me. All that was Bevtastic could go away before my brain even registered what happened. Morbid. Fatalistic. Bogus.
Hence, I really, really, REALLY need a light & fun read! Nothing too silly, but something that doesn't take place in an horrific future setting with flesh-eating mutations and lots of people dying. Something that requires no mental heavy-lifting would be nice.
Suggestions welcome!
Recently the wife of one of my coworkers got a very scary diagnosis and I knew all about the ailment because I watch too much TV. Seriously. As soon as my coworker told me the name I recognized it as being what Nate had on Six Feet Under. I did not tell her about NARM.
That show broke my heart. *a tear*
Maybe this makes me un-American or at the least, un-girly, but I'd rather take a hot poker in the eye than see Eat, Pray, Love. For one thing, I really don't care for Julia Roberts.
I know that goes against some sort of girl-code but honestly, I don't care. I've heard she's a nasty, superior bitch off-camera, and I don't find her acting particularly charming or... what's the word? Oh yeah, GOOD. As Celebitchy so accurately put it:
"The book and the film are the other side of self-absorbed, narcissistic, hyper-consumer-driven, woe-is-the-privileged-white-lady bullsh-t that Sex and City represents. Where SATC’s problems had to do with the search for love when you’re a shopaholic, narcissistic sociopath, Eat, Pray, Love seems to be about the search for oneself, for one’s “soul” when you’re a a shopaholic, narcissistic sociopath. It’s still about consumerism, only the material you’re trying to buy - shoes, love, a soul - changes."
There! My noggin feels less cluttered already!
Have a nice Tuesday, my beautiful BOOBHs!
* Yes, I've finally succumbed to the temptation of the Amazon Associates link love. What can I say? I am po' and need to feed my ever-expanding need for new books, music, and movies! Sue me.