All's well here today. Last night we had my husband's family over for a big lobster dinner, which was groovy. We all had a good time eating, drinking, and shooting the shite for several hours. It was through this shite-shooting that I found out that our security here at the OOBH has been breached.
Nobody panic!
*deep breaths*
Not panicking!
It seems that both of my sisters-in-law (hi, J & A!) have been known to swing by the OOBH on occasion. Apparently even my two BILs have glanced at it. I suddenly feel like I'm having that dream where you're naked in front of a room full of people.
It's all good, I don't mind. I've never made my blog a secret, per se, I just never really talked about it to family. My loyal readers will also note that I don't ever say anything bad about family or friends here, because I always knew this day would come. My sister and her husband both read the OOBH, so it's not like I was doing this on the down-low or anything.
But still.
When my MIL said, "You have a blog? How do I find it?" I replied, "You don't."
Sorry... but come on. Siblings are one thing, but I really would rather keep the seedier side of Bev away from parental units, ya know?
Dat's just how I roll, cuz.
I admit that I vacillate between this:
And this:
I won't edit myself; I'll just continue to exercise restraint when it comes to talking about stuff that could potentially hurt someone's feelings.
Ok, so now ya' know. We now resume our regularly scheduled frivolity.