Yeah, I said it. I don't like football. At all. I don't even feel badly about not liking it, so there!
I was present in the room while the game was on, but only so that I could watch Xtina mangle the National Anthem, see the much-hyped ads (which, correct me if I'm wrong, sucked this year?) and watch the halftime show (ditto). During the game itself I was plugged into my laptop watching crap on Netflix that no one else in my house ever wants to see; a documentary about life after death? Yes please!
The Bev has spoken! Case closed. ;)
That being said, I think they should have asked this little girl to sing the song and then cut the audio out so that we could have a repeat of this wonderful moment of human kindness:
Speaking of audio cutting out, did everyone catch the halftime show?
Ohhhhh, snap, someone's gettin' fired over that one! I actually like the Black Eyed Peas--not enough to buy a whole album, but I have downloaded some of their big hits. I swear to dog that I would never have lost my baby weight without, "My Humps" and "Let's Get It Started" blasting in my ears at the gym!
Basically, aside from all the star appearances and the masses of back-up dancers in funky space outfits, the whole thing sounded like bad karaoke. And trust me, I know what that sounds like!
Finally, any appearance by Usher is a-ok by me... it's a well-documented fact that I dig me some Usher. One of my Facebook friends posted the most hilarious comment from his 8 year-old; he said, "Wow, Usher is a great dancer! He's like Michael Jackson only black."
D'oh! From the mouths of babes....
As for the ads... meh. I didn't see any that blew me away with the exception of one that my sister showed me before the game had even started. She said it reminded her of my kid, and she is SO right!
Sooooo, there you have it: a football non-fan's take on the biggest game of the year. Don't just take my word for it--tell me what you thought!