The True Blood finale is this Sunday night, and it will be EPIC, but I'm sure gonna miss having it as my Sunday night ritual. This show has easily become my favorite hour of television each week. Now what am I gonna do - find real porn to watch? Sheesh.
On the comedy front, I'm looking forward to another season of some the few sitcoms I watch: Modern Family, 30 Rock, Community, Parks & Rec, and to a lesser extent, The
The older I get, the less TV I watch. I've abandoned pretty much all reality TV except for Top Chef, even though I should really quit watching that one because it never fails to give me the munchies. It's 10 o'clock at night and Jim and I start combing the fridge because of all the savory goodies they're making. Bad!
I'd be remiss if I didn't remind you all that one of my comedy idols, Chelsea Handler, will be hosting the MTV Music Awards this Sunday night. Just FYI! She might even make it watchable. Maybe.
Anywhooooooo. I hope you all have a fun weekend. Here's one last thing to (hopefully) give you the giggles. I know it made me laugh!
That's all she wrote! Have a great weekend!