Remember MySpace?
Holy Taco wrote a great post about the wasteland that is MySpace.
My favorite part:
"But now that most of your friends have probably moved on to other social networking sites, your friends list will probably feel like the town you grew up in…after a zombie apocalypse has killed everybody you knew and loved. Navigating from page to page feels like wandering from one empty, dusty, dilapidated house to another, while occasionally catching glimpses of comments and blog posts that-- like a wrist watch after an EMP blast – give the entire page this weird frozen-in-time sensation, making it all feel a little eerie."
I have to agree. I went back there a few months ago after not visiting my MySpace page in several years. This description is dead-on accurate! After spending about two minutes on the site I respectfully requested that Tom cancel my account. It's okay though; we agreed that we'd still be friends. Just friends who never see or speak to each other, ever. It's all good.
In my world, good neighbors leave me the hell alone.
This State Farm commercial makes me giggle:
This is Jenni "J-Woww" Farley from that crap show (that I don't watch but still know way more than I should know about it because the media keeps cramming it down my throat), The Jersey Shore. She's posing for Maxim and... well, the photoshoppers over at Maxim must have had a field day with this one.
First of all, where's her belly button? Secondly, is she wetting herself? Third, why is she gnawing on her knuckle? So many questions.
It's just a shame they couldn't do a thing about her butterface. You can see all of the pics over at Celebitchy.
Whoopie was drunk and/or high on The Spew View this week.
I like Whoopie. She seems like fun.
Of course, I'd have to be drunk to even WATCH that crap, so who can blame her?
Ya' know what's absolutely fabulous? Kicking breast cancer's sorry ASS.
I just want to send out a big HURRAH and a "Cheers, darling" to Jennifer Saunders (above, left), who has been given the all-clear after having surgery, chemo, and radiation for breast cancer. I have always been a big fan of her comedy, and I wish her a speedy recovery and ZERO recurrences!
Also, as a reminder - The Bev loves boobs. Girls, feel yourself up for me this weekend, won't you? Early detection is half the battle!
On that note, I'll bid you all farewell. Enjoy your weekends!
*kiss, kiss*