I admit, I'm not sure which image I was supposed to use, so I used both, because I'm cool like 'dat.
Now, I'm supposed to tag 15 (!) bloggers to share the LURVE. Of course, Stacie herself used 15 of my main homies already, but lucky for me I happen to know some other cool peeps who write like Hemingway on acid and make me giggle on a pretty consistent basis.
Please keep in mind that I couldn't choose some of my other devoted and brilliant friends/readers because they had already been chosen by Stacie. Don't fret! The Bev still loves ya like a rock!!!
I hereby announce my stalkees thusly:
Mala: Duh. She's my main homegirl, my partner in crime, and one funny beyotch. Also, her name means "Crazy Lady" in Spanish, which is appropriate.
Cary at LOTD: Who's our Daddy? It's Cary. He makes us laugh every day by scouring the interwebz for the most inane and oftentimes perverted stuff available, then puts it all in one place for his lazy-ass readers. Now that's love.
Kari: A new find of mine, and a Southern Belle with a great rack and an even greater sense of humor! Read her - she will maketh the tears stream forth from thine eyes.
The iNDefatigable mjenks: A wicked smaht scientist dude who enjoys blowing shit up, watching SpongeBob, using big words, and boobies. He is a riot!
The Peach Tart: I just found her, and it was love at first read; especially when she described, in detail, the act of getting a Brazilian wax because she couldn't deal with gray hairs down there. Srsly, I'm hooked.
Elliott: He cooks, he gets pop culture references, and he recognizes "good bones" in furniture. He may very well be the perfect man.
Kate: You've all seen her hysterical comments here. Go check out her equally hysterical take on parenthood and MILF-dom on her blog, but keep it clean, my delightful pervs. It's a family place!
MtnMama: She's sweet, smart, and funny. I dig her. You will, too.
Harmony: Our girl Harmony is a quirky, funny, kind, pseudo-hippy-CA girl who must buy things in pairs. Especially cucumbers.
CalicoBebop: She's a sassy single mom who appreciates a good bawdy joke. What's not to like?
Frank: We love our Franky-poo. Always quick with a witty come-back or a funked-up video clip, he knows from funny. Oh, and ladies... he's also single. Just sayin'.
Steph: Of course I have to tag her! She's a blog superhero who rocks some mad vernacular. She brings the cool.
Lindsey: She's not blogging much these days because she has one of those things... what are they called? Oh yeah, a life. But, when she does write, she makes my Happy happy.
Cheasty: She's adorable, can hang with cool folks like MOFM & Frank, and is devoted to the world's ugliest doggy.
Tonya: I don't know her very well, but I like what I've seen. The title of her blog makes the English major in me twitch a little bit, but it's all good. ;-)
The fine print, for those tagged:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
PHEW! That was exhausting! I hope you're all happy. I now have carpal tunnel and gas. Ok, so the gas is because of that burrito I ate, but whatever. Don't get all hung up on details, mmkay?